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Sunday, July 3, 2016

Choosing a blog theme template

When choosing a blog theme it is important to keep in mind it's functionality and purpose.  As I discovered, moods, minds and winds change with the seasons and so do our taste, style and blog themes!  Here are some quick tips when choose a blog them... Enjoy!
  1. Purpose  What is the purpose of your blog?  Sell products or services, redirecting traffic to your main website or physical business? Choose a design that encompasses the elements of your business' mission, vision and branding.
  2. Accessibility Let your blog interact with it's visitors. Call to action segments are proven reliable but other elements include visuals, promotions and enhance the user experience (UX).
  3. Structure Is your site map well organized, easy to navigate and user friendly?  Hand in hand with user experience and accessibility, the layout of your content must be strategically placed to catch the visitor's eye.
  4. Security This is important, and requirement for any site.  Many Web hosting companies have special servers to allow for secure order forms and contact pages. If you don't use a hosting company, you must implement Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and associated certificates on your own. That requires getting a compliant server (most major servers are compliant) and applying to a certificate authority such as VeriSign.
  5. Profit The bottom line is the bottom line.  Your site must generate income to cover it's overhead; unless you are working with a free blog. Think of ways to help cover the overhead and still have fun writing and creating!

Image result for creative blog banner
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Do I need to know how to code to build my own website?

In general, no, nowadays creating a website with a site builder will satisfy your needs.  There are many sites out there that have drag and drop site building tools that require no coding or ftp at all!  Although, you are limited in terms of customization, you will be able to create a site that you envision.  A blog or simple store front can all be done in a few clicks, but require time and patience.  There is still a technical component when it comes to web design.  My site for instances, TheTalently, provides virtual admin and IT support, web development and design with graphic design and content writing services as well, was built with pure code; and it shows.  Point being, if you choose a site builder or run of the mill template which are cost saving alternatives to web development that will come across in the end product.

Web design and development is an art, and taking away the creativity behind the scenes limits it's potential, not only to generate income but it limits the relationship with potential customers and here's why:
  1. It seems generic and lacks character.  You are stuck with a template that might not necessarily reflect your brand.  I am not talking about logos or color pallets; I am talking about the impression or experience it leaves your visitors.  A generic site that doesn't stand out will not appeal to a large audience.  Sites that are unique and scream originality grab peoples attention and makes them want to know more.
  2. We are visual creatures.  Let's face it, when we shop online we are looking for things that attract or compliment us - in the same way we choose a lover or significant other.  If we like what we see, it intrigues us, but if it stands out from the rest, we gravitate toward it and that right there is proof enough, a good website requires design and development.
Although, most start-ups and small business require an online presence and might be limited on funds, in that case a site builder is perfect!  Usually your first website is trial and error.  Most start-ups and small business only keep their original website for less than 2 years.  They are still developing their brand, and their website is the secondary revenue generator - this is the case for restaurants, mom and pop shops, small agencies and so on.  So, spending half their marketing budget on web development wouldn't be a smart choice - a simple solution is their short-term goal.

What site builder sites do I recommend?

Easy dashboard and you can literally point, click and drag your way to an astonishing site.  If your budget allows, you can even get it built for you at a fraction of the price it would take for web development or the time it would take you to do it yourself if you have no web design knowledge at all.

Talk about simple!  Their templates are more run of the mill but if you are completely clueless about web design or have little patience to tinker around with a site builder then this is the option for you.  You can literally get your site online in less than an hour.

This is the option if you are selling products.  Although, Wix offers eCommerce they are more about aesthetics and the functionality with most of their eCommerce templates lacks the robustness needed for a do-it-yourselfer.

Perfect if you want to set up a nice blog in 10 minutes or less.  You can google 'free blogger site templates' and turn up a treasure trove of results!  With a few clicks you can transform a boring blog into a multifaceted online presence that captures your readers attention with a beautifully designed template.

Decisionsdecisionsdecisions... But don't despair - The Talently is here!  We can help guide you through the process.  Free consultation, and we will tell you what is involved in each process - from site builder tips and tricks to the best deals on web design and development in the bay area.  Give us a call or text today: 415.855.0001.

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